July 25, 2011


 Well I think Mother Nature decided that I had enough and gave me a break. As much as I appreciate it, I wish she would not have given me the stomach flu! Especially after taking care of the little ones. "Mommy Law" kicking in I think. Cruel joke or much needed break? Not sure. Either way, I decided to put up some of the blogs I have been working on during my breaks from homework. Even if this is of my homework ;) Hope you enjoy _B

Geology 101 - The Study of Earths History, Origins and Structure
5 hours of Lab & Lecture  ... I also get to play with rocks! :) 

Art History - Prehistoric through Gothic Arts
I created many projects that I found both fun & exciting for 5 weeks

My little project work & art station .. Will definitely come in handy during the next week for my Geology Science poster assignment.

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