June 30, 2011

My Take of the Arts

Here is the second post from my trip to Phoenix Art Museum. Except that this is a bit of a spin. Take a tour of my imaginations version of these wonderful artists art ... XO_B

 The Last Scattering Surface

 Nephrite Jade Disk With Recumbent Dragons

 Freestanding Wardrobe, European Exhibit

 Portrait of Our Lady, The Pilgrim of Quiet

 Ornamental Chest, European Exhibit

 Total Reflective Abstraction, Joshia McElheny

 Total Reflective Abstraction, Joshia McElheny 

Money Art, Contemporary Exhibit

 Mass (Colder Darker Matter), Cornelia Parker

 Abstraction, Hananiah Harari

Tri-Circle, Theodore Roszak

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